What’s Your DNA?

DNA testing, or deoxyribonucleic acid, has become quite popular in our modern society.  Ancestry.com encourages people to submit a saliva swab in order to discover their familial heritage and/or background.  If you watch the TV show Forensic Files, you quickly learn that current crimes and even “cold-cases” or unsolved crimes …

Memorial Day

          Memorial Day, originally known as Decoration Day, is an official American holiday held on the last Monday of May each year, in remembrance of US military personnel who have lost their lives in battles of war on home soil or abroad.  It is appropriate that we have a day …


Are you a collector?  By that I mean do you collect specific objects as you see and like them?  For example, I have a friend that looks for unique teaspoons that she displays in a wooden rack.  Another friend collects teapots of all sizes and shapes.  Frank loved lighthouses and …

Mother’s Day

         This is the day that we celebrate motherhood and certainly, it is appropriate to take time to acknowledge the gift of a good mother in our lives.  I am especially grateful for a godly mother, although I grieve that she died at the young age of 43 in 1965, …

Life Verse

          Do you have a life verse from the Word of God?  Take your birth month, as the chapter, and your birthday, as the verse, and see if you can find one that fits.   Mine is Acts 2:25 since I was born on February 25th: “I saw the Lord always …

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