Daily Food

Central Ohio is blanketed in about 10” of snow today.  I love it – because, for one thing, I don’t have to be out driving in it, and also, it is beautiful – sparkling in the sunshine like hundreds of tiny diamonds.  It covers the ground giving everything a refreshing …

Valentine’s Day

Love, flowers, chocolate, hearts-together as-one; all are symbols of Valentine’s Day!  It’s a beautiful thing!  It’s a Hallmark moment…and might I add a “money-maker” for the economy!  I just read a joke that said, “Valentine’s Day really comes the day after; that’s when all the chocolate is on sale!” Some …

Things Hidden

Central Ohio received about 3”of beautiful and drifting snow overnight last Saturday.  I love snow, even though I do not like to drive in it.  I especially enjoy the beauty of snow when it clings to the side of trees or light posts or old well pumps.  I read a …

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