He is Risen!

EASTER. – It is one of the most well attended Sundays in the Christian church, even for those who rarely attend.  Years ago, the small country church where my family attended, would have an early sunrise service around 6:30 or 7:00 am and then provide breakfast, in addition, before the regular services.  Typically, the women would prepare the food and the men would serve.  It was an enjoyable time together.

Just as we would watch the sun rise on an early spring morning, we could imagine the Garden outside of Jerusalem where Jesus was laid to rest.  I’ve been thinking about that first Easter.  I can picture Mary and the other women coming to the Garden, bringing spices to the tomb where Jesus was buried. But even though Jesus had told His disciples that He would rise from the dead in three days, they had forgotten, and the women were distraught to see the heavy stone rolled away from the entrance to the now empty tomb!  The Bible tells us that suddenly two men in “gleaming, white like lightning, clothes” stood beside the women.  “In their fright, the women bowed down with their faces to the ground, but the men said to them, ‘Why do you look for the living among the dead?  He is not here; He has risen!  Remember how he told you, while He was still with you in Galilee?  The Son of man must be delivered into the hand of sinful men, be crucified and on the third day be raised again’. (Luke 24: 4-8)

EASTER – It is not about the bunny or candy or even dressing up like many used to do, but all about the lamb; the Lamb of God!  Jesus, the Son of God, sent to the world for the purpose of freeing us from the penalty of our sin, giving us redemption before God by dying on the cross for us and then, being raised from the dead, so we who follow Christ can be raised one day, as well!  Jesus was the “perfect” sacrifice before God, and because of it, “there is therefore no condemnation for us, who are in Christ Jesus”!  (Romans 8:1)  Praise God!

Many churches conclude an Easter service with the minister saying to the congregation, “He is Risen!”  In response, the congregation says in unison, “He is Risen, indeed!’  May we always be aware of this amazing gift and live with gratitude!

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