Trumpet Ready

I recently read what Dolly Parton once said when someone commented that she always looks good with her makeup and hair at its best every day.  She replied, “Yes, I always want to be ‘Ambulance Ready’”!  She went on to explain that she always wants to look good, just in …

Whiter Than Snow

Central Ohio is covered in snow this morning.  There are few things more beautiful and serene than several inches of newly fallen snow covering the ground.   There is a hush in the world, as traffic is slowed and muffled.  The quietness is refreshing and the fresh snow on the trees …

Refining Fire

I was thinking recently about ceramic classes that I took years ago.  Some friends and I would meet weekly to spend a few hours creating lovely pieces of ceramic animals, birds, owls, Christmas trees, whimsical carolers, cups and more.  I even made a decorative dish with geese in a circle …

Be Resolved

It’s now 2023 and we are on a new, fresh page in the book of our lives.   Who ever thought we’d see this year?  Since old habits are difficult to break, it will take me several days before I can write the year correctly.  Still, I am excited to see what …

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