Lessons from Marley

My little rescue, Marley, is such a sweet companion!   I found her about four years ago, awhile after my husband had died.  We had talked about getting a dog someday, so I felt that Frank would have approved of my decision.  Marley is a very social 14-pound Maltese/Yorkie mix, white with apricot ears and tail.  She’s smart and adorable and has become my constant companion!  She only barks when the doorbell rings and then she happily greets whoever has come.  Marley is unusually patient and exceptionally low maintenance.  If I sleep in, Marley is in no hurry to get up, either.  If I sit in the sunroom, Marley is right there with me.  When I am working in my office, Marley is lying quietly beside my chair or playing with one of her many toys.  If I am watching TV, Marley likes to lay on the couch nearby.  If I make a quick trip to another room in the house, Marley will follow me, even rousing from a nap as if she fears she might miss something.  She wants to be near me.  Marley has come to depend on me for her care and protection.  I never allow her to be outside by herself because I am always on the lookout for a coyote that might be on the prowl in our 2-acre yard.  Marley trusts me and is content; she has learned to do what I ask, even if she’d rather not, and I, in turn, delight in her caregiving.  I frequently tell her that I love her, and she wags her tail when I tell her she is a “good girl”.  I love being her “Mommy”.

Lord, I see several parallel characteristics in MY relationship with YOU.  Is that what you are teaching me through Marley?  I love that you, Lord, lead me each day and watch over me each night.  I look forward to spending my quiet time with You each morning.  I am completely dependent on You to provide for every need I have!  I rarely go hungry or thirsty.  I live in abundance, and even as a widow, I have more than I deserve.  I know without question that you love me, and it’s for my own good that You desire my complete trust in Your Word.  You demand absolute obedience to protect me from Satan’s snares.  You keep me in safety, Lord, watching over me every day in ways that I’m often unaware.  Thank You for Your amazing love; it is beyond my understanding; Your grace is more than I can even comprehend.  You give me good things to enjoy for my pleasure and comfort and I am content in our relationship because I love You and know that You look out for my well-being.  You are Almighty God, but also my heavenly Father!  I look forward to the day when You will return for Your church and I long to hear You say the words, “Well done, good and faithful servant!  Come and share in your master’s happiness.”   (Matthew 25:21)             


  1. Debbie

    Dear Pam, this is a most delightful post! I agree on every point of comparison you have made. Having been a “dog mom” throughout my adult life, I have marveled at the lessons God has taught me through my pups. One is that He has a higher and better perspective than I do! (Is 55:8) While my dog may be fixated on the 10 inches before her nose, I can see what is ahead and make appropriate course correction to assure a safe and pleasant walk.

    I know you cherish Marley dearly. She is indeed a gift to you and others who love her adorable ways. God bless you both❤️✝️

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