My Temporary Residence

I’m presently living in a temporary residence.  I recently sold my house and am currently in a nearby retirement facility until my cottage in the Christian community behind my church is refurbished and ready for me.  The cottage was my original desire, and I had been on a wait list for about four years.  However, knowing that there was nothing available, I went ahead with this current plan…and then I got the call about three weeks later that a cottage had opened! I will have been here for only about five months when I move again but I’m thinking that God has had a purpose for me to be here, even for a short time.  I do know that my little dog, Marley, has brought much joy to many of the residents.  She loves to be petted and loved and she gets lots of attention.

This temporary place is beautiful and eloquently furnished with every convenience onsite.  It’s like living in a hotel!  Residents here have access to a chapel for worship, a workout room for exercise, an activity room for all sorts of creative projects, a dining hall with waiters to serve us for meals, a theatre, with popcorn, showing movies anytime, and even a beauty shop.  The staff is friendly, kind, and helpful; the residents are also friendly and welcoming, though it is evident that life has become a physical hardship for many.

I struggled with my decision to move again so quickly, but the cottage is where I really want to be.  It will make taking care of my little fur baby dog so much easier.  I will still be able to eat and participate in the activities in the high-rise facility behind the cottages, with just a short walk.  Emergency nursing care is still available for me.  I know several residents already there, so I won’t feel like such a stranger when I move in, and I will be among believers of like, precious faith in God.  It sounds delightful!

But all this description of my present home has made me realize that my situation is very similar to regarding my time here on earth.  As a Christian, “this world is not my home, I’m just passing through”.  Many of us live wonderfully comfortable lives here on earth, but our lives are temporary, at best.  Even those of lesser means only live for a few short years.  This life on earth is not our forever home; earth is only temporary.  The place I’m most eager to live in is Heaven. 

Heaven will be so spectacularly furnished with jewels and gold that we will stand in awe.  Revelation 21:19-20 says the foundations of the walls of the city were adorned with all kinds of precious stones: the first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third chalcedony, the fourth emerald, the fifth sardonyx, the sixth sardius, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.  The twelve gates were twelve pearls and the streets of the city were pure gold, like transparent glass.

There will no sun or moon in Heaven for God’s glory will illuminate it.  Heaven will be a place where there will be no more tears, pain, or sorrow (Revelation 21:4).  Heaven is the dwelling place of God, and His son Jesus Christ. (I John 3:2) and where Christians will have new bodies, free from sin and disease.  Genesis 1 tells us that Heaven is a place of peace, love, community, and worship where God is surrounded by a heavenly court and heavenly beings.

We are so limited in our understanding of all these descriptions, we can barely understand it, but the splendor and beauty will surely draw us to our knees.  Heaven is where I really want to live.  How about you, dear reader?  Are you living for God now so that you are assured of a residency in Heaven?  Matthew 7:21, 23 says, “Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father.  Then I will tell them plainly, “I never knew you.  Away from me, you evil doers”.  What a privilege and blessing to serve God now, so we can live with Him forever in Heaven.  Heaven will be my forever home; no moving from there!


  1. Marla Blackburn

    Pam, I am so excited to know that you will soon be moving to your own cottage at WCV and will be near WCC and other believers who you already know. God is good and you are a wonderful example of how we are to live on earth!

  2. Julie Bradley

    Hello sweet Pam!
    Wonderful description of your life’s past events. I was there in your kitchen when you got that call! I felt immediate joy for you.
    Looking forward to heaven is beyond comprehension! It’s hard to even wrap my mind around that kind of future.

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