A Piece of Work

Have you ever referred to someone as a “piece of work”?  This term is not usually complimentary.  It might mean that someone is really messed up physically or mentally.  It could mean that someone has a lot of issues or quirks.  We might feel that this someone is beyond hope or treasure.

A few years ago a dear friend gave me a necklace with a pendant that read “A Piece of Work”.  I love it!  I took it as a compliment!  It is a reminder of not only “who” I am but “whose” I am.  On the back of the pendant is the reference Ephesians 2:10 which says, “We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them”.  Other versions read that we are God’s handiwork, God’s masterpiece, God’s creation.  These words surely negate any notion of our imperfection or inadequacy.  God created us for good works; He wants us to be a part of His marvelous plan for the world.  He intends for each of us to humbly accomplish Kingdom goals.

Does this knowledge encourage you to think differently of yourself?  So many times, we are our own worst enemy thinking we have no talent or no purpose.  Many times, we have lofty hopes but we give up too soon or become discouraged before any fruit of our effort can be realized.  God needs each of us to fulfill His plans.  He has given us the talent; now we must use it!  Philippians 1:6 says, “Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”. 

Gracious Lord, use me to further Your kingdom.  I want to be a part of Your work.  Let others see me as “a piece of work” – Your work on this earth!

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