A Sharing Bag

Several weeks ago I packed a “sharing bag” that I hoped I could give to a homeless man someday.  I kept it behind the driver’s seat in my car, where I knew I could easily reach it should I have opportunity.  I had that opportunity today!

The reusable plastic bag, similar to a bag that some bring to the store for carrying groceries, was packed full.  Inside I had assembled an assortment of things that I hoped would be welcomed: a warm sock cap, a pair of socks, a tee-shirt, a bottle of water, a neck pillow, a sleeve of crackers, some hand sanitizer, a toothbrush and toothpaste, a box of candy and a McDonald’s gift card for $25 stuck in an envelope with a message of God’s love.  I mean, what do you give someone who has nothing?  There were so many other things I could have packed.  I prayed this would be a blessing.

As if orchestrated, I was first in line at a red light near Henderson Road this morning and a precious soul stood there with a sign that read “I’m Homeless.  Please give.  God bless.”  I quickly wrestled the full bag behind me to the front and rolled down my window.  “Here you are, Sir”, I said, and the smile on the man’s face warmed my heart.  I sat waiting for the light to change and saw the man, who did not look at me again, smile to himself.  What joy for me!

I do not know this man’s situation.  I’m sure that it must take a degree of courage to put yourself in such a vulnerable situation.  Some might say you don’t know if there is really a need.  But, as with any gift we give, we give it in good conscience and leave it there.  My thought was “he is a long walk away from any McDonald’s” but if he indeed found one, perhaps he is sleeping tonight with a full stomach.

I can tell you that the scripture in Acts 20:35 is true – “I have shown you all things, how that so laboring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive”.  When we give, we know that we please God.   In    II Corinthians 9:7 it says “The Lord loves a cheerful giver”.  I even think that giving in a right spirit can be thought of as worship to God.  Psalm 116:12 says “What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me”?  I can personally testify that this verse in Proverbs 11:25 is true: “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed”.   And in Matthew 25:40, The King will reply, “I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for Me”.

There are so many other ways we can apply my example of this principle of giving to others.  Perhaps your church collects food and necessities for a local food pantry and you could donate something.  Maybe you could schedule a day to work in a homeless shelter.  You might want to follow my example and pack “gifting” bags to give for yourself or even begin a ministry at your church to make such bags available for others to share.  I can tell you that you will not regret the time, effort or money in such a ministry.  This is a wonderful time of year to share Jesus with others.  I think I said “Merry Christmas” this morning; I was so excited at the opportunity that I can’t remember!

At this Christmastime, when we focus on giving gifts to those we love, I will pack another bag to share with someone in need!  Not meaning to be flippant, but “Try it, you will like it”!  God will indeed bless you and you will have a Merry Christmas!


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