Be Intentional

I did it again!  This makes four different times; three times in my old car and now once again in my new car!  I don’t know if I can still blame it on “widow’s fog” but it is a concern to me!  Each car is equipped with a push button ignition.  I have now left the engine running four times when I have exited to shop, return a book or eat lunch with friends!  Each time I return to my car surprised and horrified at the same time.  Why don’t I hear those little beeps when I lock up and head on my way?  Now, my prayer is “Lord, please help me be more intentional about what I am doing!  Keep me focused for my own safety!”  Maybe I need to post-a-note the steps before I leave the car…turn off fan, turn off radio, turn off engine!!!!

Thankfully, no harm has been done in my “forgetful” moments with my car, but it has reminded me that I also could be more intentional in some of my spiritual moments, too.   For example, I could be more consistent praying for friends and family.  One way is to chart out who I want to pray for each day, list by name, and then be faithfully pray. Just think what could be accomplished if we all prayed more! It could look like this:

Sunday – The ministers at my church – Jay, Austin, Tom, Lee (ex)                            Door Greeters and Café workers (could be general here) Monday – My spouse and my children (by name)
Tuesday – My grandchildren (by name)
Wednesday – My siblings (by name); my nieces and nephews (by name)
Thursday – Close friends and their families (by name)
Friday – Those people listed on the prayer chain with specific needs
Saturday – The Praise Team; Class leaders; Church staff
(could be general here)

I just finished another great novel.  I have some favorite authors and I love to have a good book in the works most of the time.  It relaxes me to take a few minutes before I turn off the light at night to read a chapter or two.  I also love to read God’s Word but I could be more intentional here, too.  I read His Word in the morning during my quiet time, and I also read a devotional at night (before my novel).  I’ve read through the Bible and I’ve also read through  specific books in the Bible.  Do whatever works best for you, but the key is to read and study the inspired words of God that are the light to our path each day.  “Thy Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105)  “I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You.” (Psalm 119:11)  When we absorb God’s Word into our thoughts each day, it translates into our actions each day!

One other thought is to look for ways to reach out to others.  I can say that I have been wonderfully blessed when friends have reached out to me.  Even a small gesture like a greeting card, a small gift, a phone call or an invitation to eat together can make such a difference in someone’s day!  Offer to pick up a friend for a church event or even to agree to meet and sit together.  I love the saying, “You may be the only Jesus  someone sees today!” Strive to be intentional!  Be a blessing to someone.  Ask God to show you new ways to share your faith to others as you live for Him each day. 

“Do your best to add these things to your lives.  To your faith, add goodness; and to your goodness, add knowledge; and to your knowledge, add self-control; and to your self control, add patience; and to your patience, add service for God; and to your service for God, add kindness; and to kindness, add love!”  (II Peter 1:5-7)

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