Be Intentional

Sometimes I do things in “auto-pilot” mode, and it isn’t always a good thing.  By that I mean that sometimes I just start out on an activity or a destination but without thinking about it first.  For example, I might be going to a friend’s house in NW Columbus, but I turn left out of my driveway instead of heading for the freeway on the right, which is the quickest route.  A few mornings ago, I put two contacts in the same eye.  Don’t laugh!  I knew something was wrong since I wasn’t seeing well.  I usually put my right contact in first but being distracted, I couldn’t remember where I’d started and put the second contact in right on top of the other one.  Fortunately, my prescription is the same for both eyes, so I was easily able to correct my mistake.

In the past, but not recently, when in a hurry, I have left the quiet motor running in my car a couple of times, after arriving at my destination.  It has been shocking and embarrassing when I’ve returned and found my mistake, but thankfully, no harm has been done.

There are days when I must really stop and think if I’ve taken my pills or at what time I’ve taken my pills earlier.  This is important, because it is critical that I don’t overdose, especially on my migraine pain medication.

These examples make me realize that I need to take steps of intentionality in what I do.  When I start out in my car, I need to make sure that I know where I’m headed and the best way to get there.  When I put my contacts in, I must stop and think, “right eye first”.  When I take my pills, I write down the time and the medication I take.  When I return home or reach my destination, I mentally say “radio off, fan off, motor off” before I open the car door.  I’m trying to be intentional.  Perhaps you can relate to these scenarios.

There IS one thing though that I am pleased to say I have most always been intentional about, and that is with my morning devotions.    It is my habit to pour a cup of coffee, and head to my office for devotions, even before I check my phone.  I think of it as giving God the firstfruits of my day.  I read short excerpts out of several devotional magazines to which I subscribe, (Journey, Turning Point, 60 Days of Prayer, Guideposts’ Strength and Grace, Mornings With Jesus, All God’s Creatures, and Daily Strength), as well as three other devotional books.  I will usually journal and add to my notebook of prayer concerns for family and friends.  I spend a few minutes in prayer and Bible reading.  Since I am a widow and retired, I can leisurely spend about an hour before I head into my daily activities; yes, it is a blessed luxury.  Sometimes, if I have an early doctor or hair appointment, all this waits until later in the day, but I rarely miss.  Even my little rescued furbaby, Marley, knows the drill.   She waits patiently for me outside my office each morning until she sees me coming and then beats me to the couch! 

How about you, dear reader?  I pray that you also have a daily routine to which you are faithful in spending some quiet time with God, be it in the morning or after work or even before bed.  I urge you not to neglect this important time and to be fiercely intentional to make it a priority!  God speaks to us through His Word, and through others who are walking close to Him.  He deeply desires our company and welcomes us into His presence.  He is always there; never too busy or asleep.  He longs to comfort us and give us His peace and assurance when we need it.  When we spend time with God, our direction is restored, and we are enabled to accomplish more in our day.

Psalm 119:35, “Direct me in the path of your commands, for there I find delight”.

Exodus 33:14, “The Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest”.

Psalm 89:15,16, “Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim You, who walk in the light of Your presence, O Lord.  They rejoice in your name all day long; they exult in your righteousness”.

Proverbs 3:5, “Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind, and do not rely on your own insight to understanding”.


  1. Marla Blackburn

    Pam, what a good reminder to be intentional in all we do. I treasure the days when I have more than 15-20 minutes to spend reading my devotionals and God’s Word.

  2. Danny Walker

    Love what you write big Sister. My bible time is enhanced lately but my search for a launch point. Launch what? Launch my daily worship based on a verse or concept that I read that morning. When I worship God is big. When I worship God is at the center. When I worship my problems seem manageable. When I worship I stop focusing on myself. All great!

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