Be Resolved

It’s now 2023 and we are on a new, fresh page in the book of our lives.   Who ever thought we’d see this year?  Since old habits are difficult to break, it will take me several days before I can write the year correctly.  Still, I am excited to see what this year brings and what new experiences are in store for me with God’s faithful leading.   God IS faithful and I don’t need to fear the future.  I can trust Him with my days, knowing He is aware of what I need.  His careful leading keeps me secure.  He knows me personally and watches over me each day.  How grateful I am for this knowledge!  How thankful I am for a living God who loves me unconditionally.  This is true for you, as well, dear reader.

I resolve to love Him more.  I pray that this is your resolution, too. What can I give God in return?  I want Him to have my heart.   So, I resolve to draw as near as possible to His heart!  How is that done?  I want to continue my habit of spending a quiet time with God each day.  Sometimes it is a short visit but other times, I spend many minutes in sweet reading of God’s Word and meditating upon it.  God is not keeping track but I’m sure He delights in every minute I am in His presence.  My little rescued fur baby, Marley, keeps me on track.  She patiently waits each morning just outside my office where I have my devotions while I get my coffee and then checks to see that I am coming right behind her.  She knows my routine!

I resolve that I will faithfully meet with God’s people on the Lord’s Day for worship together whenever I am physically able.  This is an encouragement to me, and to others.  We need each other as one body in Christ.  Now with today’s technology, we can even meet “online”, so we have no excuse.  The church is vital to our Christian growth.  We dare not neglect this important opportunity to meet publicly while it is available to us.

I resolve that I will be more aware of others, and what I can do to assist and encourage.  I want to be generous with my time.   I want to be more faithful to send notes for special occasions, or illness or bereavement.  I want to take regular time for a short visit or outing together.  I can offer to grocery shop or bring in a meal or offer a ride.  I can set aside a specific period to make a phone call each day.  The possibilities for good deeds are endless but so worthwhile.  I’ve always wanted to “pay it forward”.  How easy it would be to buy a fast-food meal for the car behind me or even buy someone’s groceries and hopefully be a blessing to a stranger.

I resolve that I will step out of my comfort zone and speak to a stranger about Christ when the opportunity presents itself.  Just recently, I was browsing some Christian books at Hobby Lobby.  Another woman there asked me if I was familiar with one of the books, and actually, I was.  I told her that I recommended it and that my small group was using it as a study.  We chatted for a moment and I told her what a blessing my small group is.  She replied, “Yes, thank goodness for our small groups”!

I resolve to live with a grateful heart.  The Bible tells us in I Thessalonians 5:16-18, to “Rejoice always. Pray continually, Give thanks in all circumstances, because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus”.   There are always reasons for a grumpy attitude or a negative outlook, but how much better to be happy and positive.  It will totally change our day and how we see others.

A Prayer for January
Today, Lord, Our calendar for January and the months ahead is as fresh and clean as we ourselves could be if only we tried more often to live as You would have us live. We know that this is possible, Lord, for You are our forgiving Father, God of the Second Chance, the One Who promises that we can always make a fresh beginning.  Today, Lord, as the new year dawns, let us begin. -from Guideposts Editors


  1. Vianne Letostak

    What an inspiring message, Pam. I’m reminded of the time we did the thanksgiving messages for your Dad’s retirement center all those years ago. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  2. Jean Williamson

    Thank you Pam for the kind words for the beginning of the new year, and with our quiet time with the Lord to start each day may we strive to be mor Christ like each day.

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