Daily Needs

I had my annual eye exam a couple weeks ago, and am pleased to report that my eyes have not significantly changed since last year.  I know that cataracts are coming for me but so far are not a problem.  Still, I did make a small change with my contacts; I am now wearing “Dailies”.  These are soft lenses that are replaced everyday!  They are supposed to be much healthier for contact wearers, and of course, more sanitary since they are disposed everyday for a new pair – no cleaning involved.  So far, so good!

The concept of daily accountability is a positive thing.  It provides an avenue of faithful responsibility.  Examples are teachers checking on  students and being sure a lesson is understood; a writer acknowledging on-going progress to a publisher; a husband checking in with his wife while he is away on a business trip; friends regularly checking in on friends; children checking on aging parents.  Do you have medication that you must take “daily”? 

In a similar way, daily communication with our Father in Heaven, is so important to our relationship with Him.  Just as daily communication is vital to a healthy relationship here on earth, we will grow and mature in our Christian walk when we take time each day to read God’s Word, meditate on it and communicate with God in prayer.  Praise God and thank Him for the blessings that He has given when you set aside a time each day to be together.

Do you remember the story of the Israelites being fed in the desert, and the Lord sending manna for them to eat each day?   One qualification was that they were only to gather enough manna for only the day’s need.  If they tried to gather more than one day’s portion, the manna would spoil.  God always provides!  In the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus said we should ask for the day, as for daily bread, signifying that new each day, we recognize our need and dependence on God.

“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need”.  (Hebrews 4:16).  How grateful I am that I can approach God’s throne, with boldness, even daily, if that is my need.   Praise God that He daily cares for us and gives what we need in great abundance.  He inclines His ear to hear us and He invites us, in turn, to draw near to Him.  Lord Jesus, Thank You that I can come into Your Holy presence each day, and that You welcome me there.

I love the song, “Everyday with Jesus”: Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before,
Every day with Jesus I love Him more, Jesus saves and keeps me, and He’s the one I’m waiting for, Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before.

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