
I have just finished a fun week of keeping my two grandkids.  They are eleven and seven and live two hours away but they like coming to “Mamaw’s house” as often as they are able.  They are growing up so quickly that I want to take advantage of any time we have to spend time together.   So, as a loving grandma, I tried to think of things that would be fun to do; to shop for food I thought they would love to eat; and to decide places that I know they would like to go.  I also gave them each a budget of $10 to spend – however they wished. 

I made a list of places to go: Blendon Woods natural play area where there is a fun mini zip line; the “big” park, as they call it; Galena mudflats; shopping at Target and WalMart; Arby’s for $1 Root Beer floats; Eagle’s Pizza, our favorite!  I went to the grocery before they arrived and laid in enough food to last more than the week: mini cans of orange pop and seven-up; individual jello cups, yogurt, and applesauce with instructions to “help themselves”.  I had cheese sticks and popcicles for snacks.  I bought little mini cinnamon rolls and chocolate milk; all kinds of fruit – bananas, strawberries, watermelon, sweet cherries, and grapes.  I picked up m & m cookies (though was told that they really like the frosted Cheryl’s cookies best)!  We ate turkey sandwiches and cheez-its for lunches; chicken popcorn balls, spicey beef taco mix with all the trimmings and macaroni and baked chicken for three of our meals. 

The treasures we purchased, while each of us dutifully wearing a mask, were a doll-house sized kitchen table and chairs, a cardinal charm, play-doh (that was “wonderfully soft”), UBS speakers, a reddish Betta girl fish that we named Rosie and food from the second pet store…yes, we stopped at two pet stores.  We borrowed my neighbor’s kiddie pool and ran through the sprinkler one muggy afternoon.  Shall I add, that I had no trouble sleeping through the night after spending exhausting non-stop days together?

In addition, we did the virtual “Rocky Railway” Vacation Bible School program each day…“This train is bound for glory; Jesus is preparing a place there for me!” It was so well done – the videos online and the fun crafts separated into individual bags for each child, taught lessons that applied to both children and adults.  We all learned that life is hard, but God is powerful and we need to “Trust Jesus” each day, no matter what hard things come into our lives!

This whole week made me aware again of the joy we have of giving gifts to one another, and especially to our grandchildren.  We all take pride in finding that “one” perfect gift to give and share with our family or friends.  “Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone?  Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake?  If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!  So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 7:11, 12). 

The most amazing gift we can think of will not compare to what God is preparing for those who love Him!  Ephesians 3:20 says “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”  I once heard someone say that they could really imagine a lot of good things, too!  Just think of it – God is preparing such wonders for His children that we cannot even wrap our minds around how glorious it will be.

And one more thought is the joy that comes when our gift is deeply appreciated.  Music to my ears this week was when I heard “Thank you, Mamaw!” –  whether it was for the food we ate or the gifts received or the places we stopped or the games we played together.  I believe that one way we can know and understand God’s heart is through our relationships with each other.  How much more does our Father is heaven delight in hearing us, His children, thank Him for all of the blessings of this life that we abundantly have and freely enjoy!  “Praise God from whom all blessings flow…”

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