
You may be familiar with the well-known meeting place at Shibuya train station in Tokyo, Japan; one of my favorite places.  The legendary story is about Professor Eizaburo Ueno of Tokyo University and his faithful Akita dog, Hachiko, (pronounced Ha chee ko).  The two were always together.  Hachiko would accompany his master to Shibuya station each day and then return to the station each afternoon at 3 pm to greet his returning friend.  Sadly, one day, Ueno died while at work in 1925 and never had a final good-bye with his pet.  But each day the faithful dog would come back to the station at 3 pm looking for his master, until his own death 10 years later.  His own death made headlines and Hachiko was buried next to his master.  A small statue was erected in front of the Shibuya Station and has become a meeting point for locals and foreigners, alike.  In 2009, a US version of this sweet story was made into a movie staring Richard Gere; I recommend the movie, HACHI.  I would travel through Shibuya train station each day on my way to school in the late 50’s when I lived in Japan with my parents who were missionaries there.  When I returned to Japan in 2002 for a visit, I was able to visit this area again and it brought back good memories.

Seeing a picture of this statue recently on Facebook reminded me of those years in Japan but it also made me ponder my “meeting” place with my master, Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.  Christ is my best friend and it is my desire to meet him each day.  “My” place is in my little office and it is my habit to have a quiet time with God each morning before I get into my daily activities; even before I check my email and phone messages!  My little “fur baby”, Marley, knows that this is our first destination of the day and I will often find her waiting for me there.  If possible, it’s a good idea to have a specific place where you can meet God…your office, a quiet corner chair, an outside garden area…to pray and meditate and read the Word…a place for sweet fellowship with God!  The same time each day is also good, morning or evening, because a strict schedule promotes consistency and becomes a positive habit.

Lately, because of health concerns for both me and my dog, I haven’t been as faithful to this schedule.  Some mornings, I’ve needed to get right out the door to the doctor or to the vet; some mornings, I’ve been too sick to get out of bed.  I’ve missed this time!  I know that God has missed me, as well.  He longs for us to draw near to Him.  Hebrews 10:22 says, “Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having out hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience…” James 4:8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you”.  This is a precious time together and it will continue into eternity for those of us who are faithful and belong to God now.

Dear Lord, I long to meet You each day and to seek Your sweet presence in my daily walk. I am humbled to think that You miss me when I am absent from our time together; that You also desire to spend time with me.  I praise You for Your precious love and for sweet blessings, in abundance, that You shower upon me. I praise You for You are good and Your compassion is unfailing!                                                         


  1. Debbie

    I love this post, Pam. I am praying you and Marley will feel better very soon. Isn’t it comforting to know He is always near, even when our quiet time routine is altered.

  2. Jean Williamson

    I enjoy these posts and as we have pets we realize how much they mean to us. I am so thankful God is always here for each of us. Hope you and Marley are improving each day.

  3. Marla Blackburn

    Pam, I somehow missed this post in my e-mails and I am so glad I found it. I have never given thought to your statement, “I know that God has missed me, as well.” What a lovely thought!

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