Life Verse

          Do you have a life verse from the Word of God?  Take your birth month, as the chapter, and your birthday, as the verse, and see if you can find one that fits.  

Mine is Acts 2:25 since I was born on February 25th: “I saw the Lord always before my face, for He is at my right hand, that I may not be shaken.” (NIV) Another version reads, “I keep the Lord before me always, because He is close by my side, I will not be hurt.” (NCV)

          What comfort it is to me to have the sweet assurance that God goes before me, with me, and behind me each day as I go through this life.  He is my protector and my companion, and in these troubling days right now, I can add “and whom/what shall I fear?”  There has been angst, death and unrest in unprecedented numbers due to covid-19.  Many people believe that life, as we knew it, will never truly return again. For example, I was reading just today that restaurants will only have throw-away paper menus from now on; open containers of lemon will not be available near the drink stations; unwrapped straws will not be displayed, and more.  Social-distancing will be the new norm for seating and waiting.  Many of our favorite eating places will not be able to make a come-back from the weeks of being closed. 

          Who could ever have predicted that our lives would change so quickly and so drastically?  I am now hearing more and more evidence that we are being influenced and intimidated by those in authority.  Can it be true?  Still, we are exhorted not to fear; “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”. (II Timothy 1:7)  God is not caught unaware and He is still sovereign.  I take comfort in that thought.

          One of my friends responded “Why?” when I shared that I was thinking of starting a blog.  I am anxious to give this new endeavor a try and see how it goes.  Perhaps I can encourage, be a supportive friend, and positively influence your day-to-day walk.  Feel free to comment on what you read here.  In addition, I would be amiss if I did not acknowledge that I have had wonderful help with the logistics of setting up this site.   I highly recommend my new friend, Karis Pratt of, for any of your technical assistance.

          Today is May 7, 2020 and it is America’s National Day of Prayer.  We are still “One nation under God” and our money still states “In God We Trust”.  I pray that we Americans will repent and continue to embrace our established Christian heritage. 

          Amos 4:13 says “He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals His thoughts to man, He who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth – the Lord God Almighty is His name.”  Just as communication is essential to a good relationship, prayer connects us to our Heavenly Father, and is an essential part of our daily life.  I have recently been trying to make prayer a greater part of my days.   I’m praying for endurance to faithfully live out my life in honor to God and finish well; praying specifically, by name, for friends and family; praying for broken relationships; praying for our churches and ministers as they lead us; praying for our President and our leaders that they would be godly in decision making; praying for our great country – that we might return to rely and believe in God, as never before; praying that God would continue to bless America!

          I’m praying for you, dear reader, that you will have a blessed day!


  1. G A

    You have followed God’s lead to effectively make use of your gifts & talents during this extra time we all now have. Blessings for huge success in sharing God’s love with all of us. With our love and gratitude.

  2. Pam

    The first reading on your Blog was great. You are a lady of many talents! I also agree with your writing. God is great but what lesson are we to learn from all this sorrow? He knows the answer.

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