Made in God’s Image

There is nothing cuter than most animal babies.  Picture a new puppy or a day old kitten or a new baby bunny.  Still babies, though much larger, think of a new speckled fawn, or baby elephant or minutes old giraffe.  The similarity of all animals is that they are a miniature likeness to their parent.  In the human world, it is amazing to see how many times a child is born as an identical likeness of their parent.  No need for a paternity test in that case!

But did you know that each human being is also made in the image of God?   What does that mean?  In Genesis 1:26-28 it says, “Then God said, let us make man in our image, according to our likeness and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth”.  God has set mankind apart and determined that we should be a visible representation of who and what God is.  We are responsible to show dignity and respect to all of mankind, and to all creation, just as we show dignity and respect to God.

What a privilege this is!  What an honor it is to be God’s hands and feet as we share His love to a lonely or grieving person.  Being willing to help when help cannot be repaid shows God’s heart.  Don’t you feel good when you have a chance to help someone who needs comfort or assistance with food and shelter?  Our church regularly collects food to contribute to the homeless shelter or food bank nearby.  Church members are encouraged to fill baby bottles with loose change to donate to the women helped by the Pregnancy Distress organization.  Sometimes, just reaching out and offering to talk to a friend who is having a hard time can be a precious gift of encouragement or support.  Sending a card or text or sharing a meal can be the means of making someone’s day seem brighter and their load lighter.  Just simply thanking a friend for an act of kindness shows the person of God.  Offering to pray for a friend who has a need and showing concern acknowledges love and concern.  Even giving compassion to an animal who is sick or lost or mistreated shows the heart of God. In all these ways, we are loving others as God first loved us.  God must surely smile when He sees His children mirroring His likeness in even a small way.  We love because He first loved us!  Determine today that others will see God more in the things you do and say.


  1. Danny Walker

    Hey big sister,
    Such a super representation of the great opportunities God has given to us. You are living and writing well.

    ” As the father has sent me so I also send you. ” Jesus

    Our dad Walker did us well.

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