Marley and Me

Ten months ago, the Lord gave me a precious little Morkie, a four year old/ten pound female dog, a white Maltese and Yorkie mix.  Well, actually, I was able to rescue this little sweetie from a site here in Columbus.  “Marley” could not have been a more perfect match for me.  She was found roaming the streets in Fresno, CA and then flown to Ohio where I saw her picture and quickly found out if she was available.  It was love at first site.  A friend gave me a little wooden plaque that reads “You can’t buy love but you can rescue it!”  So true!

It didn’t take long for us to establish a happy routine.  She patiently waits for me to wake up each day since neither of us are “morning beings”!  We spend our time together at home, where she is always by my side.  She will awake from a sound sleep and follow me into another room even if I say “Stay, I’ll be right back!”  She’s so smart!  She now notices when I’m getting ready to leave.  She sees me getting dressed, putting on my make-up and jewelry…and she gets into her crate before I say a word!  I can’t believe it even when I see it!  She patiently waits to be fed; her favorite dish is when I top off her food with a few pieces of chicken!  Naturally, she sleeps in bed with me.  Her favorite position is under the covers and to the foot of the bed where she stays until dawn’s first light!  After a necessary trip outside in the mornings, she will head directly to my office where I have my morning quiet time.  She knows I’ll be there and she is waiting!  So amazing!

Our happy co-existence changed drastically three days ago!  This past week she was a little lethargic one day; not interested in eating and just not her usual self.  I considered calling the vet, but thought she was just not feeling well; maybe it was indigestion.  The next day was about the same, but when I picked her up, she yelped in pain.  I knew something was wrong and got her into the vet on a Saturday morning.  X-rays showed that she had a slipped disc; she was sent home with meds for pain and inflammation.  The vet felt that perhaps she had jumped and landed badly, though I did not know of any specific incident.  Another possibility is that she may have had a previous injury or weakness in her spine, not atypical for small dogs.

But that evening, things worsened.  Marley tried greeting some guests and yelped in pain again.  This time, her legs gave out and she could not stand.  I wondered if she had broken a leg.  An emergency visit to the vet, yet again, brought terrible news!  Her hind legs were paralyzed!  Oh no!  The vet faxed her paperwork and scheduled an emergency admittance to MedVet here in Columbus, for immediate surgery.  This surgery was performed to relieve pressure on her spine which was causing the paralysis and gratefully, the surgeon feels that she will ultimately regain use of her legs after a period of time and with therapy.

If you love animals, you will understand my angst!  My first thought was “Why, Lord, would You allow this to happen?”  My second thought was to alert my friends to pray for a successful surgery and to petition the Lord for complete healing and restored mobility.  No request is too small or unimportant for Him.  I boldly reminded God that he says He is aware of even a sparrow that falls to the ground.  “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?  Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father.  So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”  (Matthew 10:29 and 31)  I selfishly asked that He be mindful of little Marley just now and I estimate that no less than seventy-five prayer warriors lifted our concerns to the Lord, who, indeed, does care for even the smallest details in our lives.  Praise God!  He loves us with unending love and He gives us pets that become four legged members of our families.

As I write this blog, I am waiting for Marley to be released from MedVet and to return home tomorrow.  Her prognosis is good, though we have up to two months before full mobility is hopefully restored.  I willingly take on the role of nurse and physical therapist rejoicing that she is still with me.  Thank you, each dear friend, who continue to shower love and concern to both Marley and me!  I am forever grateful!

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