Model Well

I heard a touching and precious story today that I want to share with you.  It was about a pregnant dog who was in a tragic accident that severely injured her two rear legs.  Her owner immediately took her to the vet for care and examination.  When the exam was complete, the veterinarian told the owner that he could either euthanize her or remove her legs.  The owner replied, “Let her live”.  It wasn’t long before the pregnant dog had learned to scoot around on her own by pulling her body forward with her two front legs, dragging her rear legs behind.

A few days later, the pregnant dog gave birth to six healthy puppies.  She was a wonderful mother.  She nursed her babies and tenderly watched out for them.  And then soon, when the babies learned to walk, and though they all had strong, healthy legs…you guessed it!  The puppies modeled their mother’s behavior and scooted around by pulling their bodies forward with their two front legs, dragging their rear legs behind, just like their mama!  Don’t you love it?

This made me think that first, our own children model the behavior they see in us as parents, grandparents, and teachers.  The priorities of the parents and grandparents become the priorities of the child.  Habits and behaviors become the same for the child.  Language is heard and modeled.  What a huge responsibility to model right living to others, not so much through verbal lessons, but even more through example.

Second, how good it is for us, as God’s children, to model our lives after Him!  We have been given instruction in His Word, and through the example of Jesus, on to how to live a life that honors and glorifies God! Everything we need is in His Word.  “There is nothing new under the sun.”  (Ecclesiastes 1:9)   The Bible speaks to moral living, healthful eating, spending our money wisely, taking care of each other, using our time wisely, honoring, and loving God and the people closest to us.  Everything we need to know to live righteously is found in God’s Word, there for us to follow and model.

Lord, help me always be aware that someone is watching my actions and listening to my words.  Let me glorify you in these areas of my life.

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