My Spiritual Birthday

Do you know the date of your spiritual birthday? Mine is January 22, in 1953. On that date, I was baptized in the then Northeast Church of Christ in Columbus, Ohio. I was only eight years old but I knew what baptism meant and I was anxious to complete this act of obedience to God. My six year old sister was also baptized that day. It is significant to remember that we were both baptized by a Japanese Christian man, Matthew Ikeda. I do not know how my parents knew Matthew, but I imagine that he had some influence on my parents who later became missionaries to Japan. Isn’t it interesting to realize that we are greatly influenced by the people with whom we associate? Before I retired from teaching in Columbus Public Schools, I often told my students to be careful of their friends; that we become like the ones we hang around. It is also true for us adults!

How grateful I am to have been raised by Christian parents, who led me to become a Christian, too. Just as I find it difficult to believe that I am 76 years old, I marvel that I gave my life to the Lord 64 years ago! It is a sobering thought to realize that I have also been an influence on others. I pray it has been mostly positive, and I seek forgiveness for the negative. The Scripture reminds us that we should be careful not to be a stumbling block to others, both in and out of the faith of Christ. My father once said that he would have enjoyed smoking a pipe but he felt that others would not understand and he did not want to be a negative influence on anyone. Some things that we enjoy may not seem harmful to us but if they are not a positive influence on others, we should refrain. How is my walk impacting others? Are my friends encouraged to add or change a behavior because of me? Does a faithful relationship with the Lord appeal to others, as they observe my relationship with the Lord? “Make up your mind not to put a stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way.” Romans 14:13

Lord, I celebrate the longevity of my spiritual birthday. I realize that the years have also given me a huge responsibility to remain faithful. I pray that others would be drawn into your presence and encouraged by Christian friends around them. One day, in Heaven, there will be only joyful singing as we rejoice together in lives lived for You. I praise You for who You are and for the blessings that You give me in such abundance on this Earth. I acknowledge that I can affect others for good or bad. I pray that the year ahead will only honor and glorify You.

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