Staying Connected

As wonderful as the internet is and as convenient as it is to have the entire world web at our fingertips, we all know that it can also be extremely frustrating.  Long gone are encyclopedias where we did our searching for information.  We have come to expect instant access and …

The Mayonnaise Jar and Two Cups of Coffee

                          If you are like me, it seems like the world, as we know it, is deteriorating rapidly.  It is so easy to feel overwhelmed and burdened by the news each day.  But, as Christians, Jesus told us, “In this world, you will have trouble” (John 16:33).  So, we should …

My Sacrifice

I really hope this story will not cause my family and friends to begin thinking that I need to apply for assisted living someplace; I don’t think I am but I need to wear my glasses when I am preparing meals and reading the instructions – that’s for sure! I …

Being Connected

I probably speak for most of us when I say that we, in today’s society, have become totally dependent on our cell phones.  However, many of us can remember when we’d actually go places without any phone connection and survive perfectly fine.  If we needed to make a call, we’d …

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