Things Hidden

Central Ohio received about 3”of beautiful and drifting snow overnight last Saturday.  I love snow, even though I do not like to drive in it.  I especially enjoy the beauty of snow when it clings to the side of trees or light posts or old well pumps.  I read a …

A Piece of Work

Have you ever referred to someone as a “piece of work”?  This term is not usually complimentary.  It might mean that someone is really messed up physically or mentally.  It could mean that someone has a lot of issues or quirks.  We might feel that this someone is beyond hope …

Be Ready

Have you ever missed out on something wonderful because you weren’t ready; weren’t prepared; or weren’t at the right place at the right time?  It’s happened to me.  For example, just tonight around dusk, I saw six or seven deer in my neighbor’s yard back through the pine trees.  I …


A few years ago I saw a bumper sticker that simply read “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Respect”.  I thought it was a great idea – actions that would impact our bodies, our resources, our planet, and our relationships.  Later I came up with something similar: “Pray, Ponder, Patience, Purge”.  Each of …

White As Snow

We, who live in Central Ohio enjoyed and delighted in a wonderful White Christmas last weekend, our first in ten years!  It was cold, beautiful, quiet, wet, heavy, and about 4 inches deep where I live.  It was perfect timing to set our hearts in the spirit of Christmas, though …

Random Christmas Thoughts

For children, Christmas is magical and exciting.  For adults, Christmas is decorating, shopping, wrapping, baking, sending cards and letters, festive gatherings (though, not so much this year).  For those who grieve, Christmas is often sad and lonely.  But for Christians, Christmas is a time to remember that God gave the …

A Sharing Bag

Several weeks ago I packed a “sharing bag” that I hoped I could give to a homeless man someday.  I kept it behind the driver’s seat in my car, where I knew I could easily reach it should I have opportunity.  I had that opportunity today! The reusable plastic bag, …

Be Thankful

We have just celebrated Thanksgiving – one of my favorite holidays.  To my chagrin, retail businesses have more and more lumped it with Halloween and Christmas to become “Happy HalloThankmas” but still it is worthwhile to set aside time to count our blessings and thank God for them.  Early in …

Being Vigilant

There are two coyotes in our neighborhood.  I had seen one several years ago, but just this past week I’ve seen two in the yard at various times.  They are straggly looking and skinny, prowling for whatever food they can find in the daylight.  Previously, they’ve been no big concern …

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