The Last Leaf

The trees in Ohio have been especially beautiful this fall, but sadly the gorgeous fall colors don’t last long.  I noticed leaves almost “raining” off the trees in my yard today and I took this picture of my weeping cherry tree with only one leaf left.  That reminded me of …


Let’s reflect, (giving serious thought or consideration), on the word reflection, (the throwing back by a body or surface of light without absorbing it).  I have a broken red reflector at the end of my driveway, there to assist in seeing the driveway entrance when it’s dark outside.  I have …


Grace, by definition, is unmerited favor and/or blessing.  I am very grateful and humbled that my kind neighbor, Theo, has shown me grace two different times for the same offense.  The first offense was when I was trimming bushes two summers ago and accidentally cut through the extension cord that …

Daily Needs

I had my annual eye exam a couple weeks ago, and am pleased to report that my eyes have not significantly changed since last year.  I know that cataracts are coming for me but so far are not a problem.  Still, I did make a small change with my contacts; …


I love to read and almost always have some kind of book in the works: a new devotional, study book, self-help, or just a good novel.  Right now, I’m in the middle of a mystery thriller written by Terri Blackstock, one of my favorite Christian authors.  Sometimes I allow myself …

A Royal Ambassador

I was thinking about some of my high school friends the other day.  I thought they were a wonderful bunch many, many years ago and I still do!  I was privileged to attend 7th – 12th grade in Tokyo, Japan where I lived with my missionary parents.  My siblings and …

Marley and Me

Ten months ago, the Lord gave me a precious little Morkie, a four year old/ten pound female dog, a white Maltese and Yorkie mix.  Well, actually, I was able to rescue this little sweetie from a site here in Columbus.  “Marley” could not have been a more perfect match for …

Precious Jewels

A friend and I enjoy making some of our own jewelry.  Especially trending now is to use different gauge and colors of leather, instead of wire, to string precious stones in creative patterns.  It is very satisfying to make a wrap bracelet and earrings to match a necklace.  I just …

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