Be Intentional

I did it again!  This makes four different times; three times in my old car and now once again in my new car!  I don’t know if I can still blame it on “widow’s fog” but it is a concern to me!  Each car is equipped with a push button …

Will God Know Me?

I’ve been thinking about dementia lately and what a cruel disease it is!  It is cruel both for the person it affects and also for the caregiver of that person.  I just heard of a son that has taken in a father to live with his family.  I know of …


I have just finished a fun week of keeping my two grandkids.  They are eleven and seven and live two hours away but they like coming to “Mamaw’s house” as often as they are able.  They are growing up so quickly that I want to take advantage of any time …

Life’s Solid Rock

A new housing development is being built in the field next door.   Early every morning, I hear the back-hoe and the bulldozers beep-beeping and beginning to push dirt.  In the process they are unearthing many rocks; rocks of all sizes.  Last week, a few guys were working right along my …


I love the beautiful orange and black monarch butterflies!  Sadly, they are now close to extinction in North America, most likely because they feed on milkweed plants which are now also hard to find, but when I taught third grade years ago, this was my first science lesson, and one …

A Tribute to my Father

Historically speaking, the nation’s first Father’s Day was celebrated on June 19, 1910 but not until 1972, when Richard Nixon signed a proclamation, did Father’s Day become a nationwide federal holiday.  Today there are more than 70 million fathers in the United States and economists estimate that Americans spend more …

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