
If you read my last blog, “You Can’t Take Away My Sonshine”, I hope that you understood that I was trying to reaffirm that the disappointments in my life had not taken away my love for God and my faith in Him as the keeper of my days.  After a good friend read my blog. she shared an old poem with me. I totally agree with these words:

WHEN HE TAKES AWAY A PROP by Ruth Martindale

Surrounded by loved ones, I forget that someday It won’t always be so As each prop falls away. When loved ones are gone Or cherished health taken, How precious to cling to A Foundation unshaken! “Whom have I in Heaven but thee?” The psalmist did declare, And when He takes a prop away, I find my Lord still there. Through every single loss I yet must praise His Name For when the props have crumbled, He still remains the same. In every circumstance, Whatever be my lot, As props around me fall – My Pillar changes not!

I remember how, in my newly married years, I would hang clothes outside to dry on a sunny, warm day.  Many times I used a long pole, with a hook on the end, to stick under a drooping clothesline for the purpose of “propping” up the line so that the clothes would not touch the ground.  I realize, after reading this poem, that my props have been (at least for the last ten years) a loving husband, too soon taken; precious grandchildren; a loving son and daughter-in-law; a close family and many precious friends; a comfortable home; a beautiful yard; flowers to tend and enjoy; colorful birds at the feeder; and interesting wildlife to enjoy! Yes, I have been abundantly blessed!  These props have kept me happy and content with my life. 

But, when the props of my life are taken away, how do I respond?  It is my prayer that others will see me remaining faithful to God and living a cheerful life, still giving Him honor and glory each day.  How could I respond in any other way to a God who has been so faithful to me?  What about you?  Do you know that all Who acknowledge Christ as their Savior, are absolutely loved and cherished by Him?  Christ gave His life so that we can look forward to living with Him for eternity.  There is no greater joy than knowing that truth!  I can be confident that God will give me what is best and according to His perfect timing.  I can take comfort in knowing that He walks with me through all the circumstances and even the heartaches of my life.  I look forward to the day (maybe soon) when Christ will return to take His children to live eternally with Him.  Now that’s a prop no one can take from me!


  1. Jean Williamson

    What a comforting message. We all need to dwell on the good things and people we have been blessed with and hold them close to us as we live each day and dwell on the many blessings we receive from our Father.

  2. Marla Blackburn

    Pam, knowing some of the props that have been taken away from you, I don’t know too many people who would have remained as faithful as you have been. God Bless and thanks for sharing.

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