Remembering Toby

The five pets in my adult life had all been dogs.  I love dogs and especially the ones that do not shed.  So when I found myself living alone for the first time several years, I never expected to share my life with a cat.  It all started when a very large yellow started coming around in late summer, 2003.  He was friendly and he seemed to like my place in the condo complex best.  He’d peer in my front and back door, lounge on my patio furniture, and rub against my leg when I’d go outside.  I did put out some water for him, but I told him that he DEFINITELY would not be coming inside when the weather turned cold.  I had all new furniture and I didn’t want cat hair on it!

I soon discovered that “Toby” was male, had a broken front tooth, and had been declawed.  I figured someone had probably dropped him off in my condo community.  Predictably, the weather was starting to change, and I was weakening on my resolve that he would not be coming inside.  I decided to take Toby to the vet to see if he had a chip and/or if someone was looking for him.  Both options  proved to be negative, so yes, Toby moved inside with me!

Toby turned out to be one of the best things that ever happened to me.  One of my friends said “he had a lot of dog in him”, and his personality matched his size.  He was a huge cat – measuring 42 inches from the top of his head to the tips of his feet.  Toby loved to lounge on the fireplace mantle where he could view his surroundings like a king.  If he wanted a drink of water, he would jump on the bathroom counter and knock over my water glass.  That became my signal to come and turn on the faucet so that he could quench his thirst.  He’d play inside my mirrored sliding closet doors, sticking his paws out from inside (such a funny site!) and he would sleep in the bathroom sink, or in any other suitable container he found.  Toby never destroyed any furniture or chewed up any personal items.  He always found himself right in the middle of a crowd and was gentle with children.  He would snuggle and purr beside me to keep me company.  Toby was the man of the house!

Two years later, when I met the man who became my husband, my friends told him that Toby came as a package deal.  We three became a reluctant family.  My new husband was not fond of cats but Toby was clearly not leaving.  In fact, Toby seemed to know that he needed to win this new man over to his side.  Toby was part of the family and he remained with us, even loving our new grandson, for the next seven years!  Since I don’t know how old Toby was when he found me, I’m not sure of his age when it became clear that he was near the end of his earthly life.  Those last quiet moments together at the vet’s were so painful.  I lost a good buddy, but my memories will always be precious.

As I was playing the piano last evening, I came across the song “Precious Memories”.  Granted, the writer of this song was probably not thinking of a cat when he penned the words but as I sang the lyrics, my thoughts were of my husband and other dear family and of the precious times we shared together.  “In the stillness of the midnight,  Echoes from the past I hear;  Old time singing, gladness bringing,  From that lovely land somewhere.  As I travel on life’s pathway,  Know not what the years many hold;  As I ponder, hope grows fonder,  Precious memories flood my soul.”  Isn’t it a blessing that we are able to recall cherished times with those we love and who are no longer with us?  Won’t Heaven be a wonderful reunion one day?  Praise the Lord!

Paul wrote “I thank God every time I remember you.  In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in your will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:3-6).



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