The Black Jelly Beans

We have just passed Easter and I’ve been thinking about the “black colored jelly beans”.  The black jelly beans are probably the least liked flavor of all.  I especially like the yellow, white, and green flavors but I’ll eat them all except the black licorice ones, and then I’ll throw those in the trash.  How about you?  Both my father and my husband, Frank, would eat the black ones.  Now that I’m thinking about it, I don’t know for certain that either man especially liked licorice, but they dutifully would eat them.  I suspect they’d eat the black ones because they didn’t like to be wasteful and also, both men were very unselfish.  They knew the other colors would likely be the favorites, so they’d go first for least liked.

If we would rate your life’s actions on a scale of 1 to 10, how would you size up?  Is your life characteristically one of thinking of the other person?  Adult sons, do you willingly agree to help or assist your parents in need of a favor when you visit, as my son recently did for me?  Daughters, do you thoughtfully think of ways to help your mother-in-law or even pay for lunch when you shop together, as mine did with me recently?  On occasion, my grandkids have traipsed out my 400 foot driveway to retrieve my mail or garbage can when they visit.  My new neighbor has offered to help me do any difficult chores around the house.  Another neighbor plowed my driveway one snowy day last winter without being asked and without expecting pay.  My brother and sister-in-law have been especially attentive in recent weeks, even attending doctor appointments with me, and I am so very grateful for all of these dear ones!

I have multiple friends who check on me regularly.  They want to plan a girls’ lunch out or a shopping trip or even just make a call to see how I’m doing.  I have one dear friend who repeatedly tells me she prays for me every morning and I know there are other good friends who also pray faithfully.  Even on days when I feel sorry for myself in my aloneness and frequent sickness, I know without question that I am immensely blessed!  Do you think of ways that you, in turn, could surprise a friend with a card or visit?  One of my favorite activities is to send Valentine’s Day cards to other widowed women friends.  This year I chose 16 friends to receive a card.  Could you pick up soup or salad for a single friend and make a quick stop on your way home some day?  How nice it is not to have to cook just for yourself!  During the early days of covid, I had former neighbors, a husband and wife, take turns asking if I needed anything from the grocery that they could pick up for me!

Isn’t it wonderful to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and then think of ways you might be able to bless them?  ”So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets”. Matthew 7:12.  This verse is what we often call the Golden Rule.  It is not – “Do to others as they do to you”!

“Everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he would humble himself will be exalted.” Luke 14:11.  “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God”.  I Corinthians 10:31.  How would Jesus respond in this situation; what would He say? 

Sandra Clifton suggests “Make a list of three ways to serve and show God’s love to others today; then go carry out your plans”. 


  1. Jean Williamson

    I enjoy the jelly beans – the colorful ones are pretty and inviting – the black ones are good, but, they also remind me of sin in ones life. Jean

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