The Mouse that Got Away

I’ve learned to do several things in the past three and a half years that I’d never done before; one thing, specifically, setting a mouse trap and disposing of the mouse when I catch it.  In fact I was feeling a little smug about not being too squeamish to take care of this business.  I live in an older home and it is common knowledge that mice find their way inside when the weather turns cold.  So last week I set two traps in the basement, baited with yummy peanut butter

First scenario: I anxiously checked the basement traps and to my surprise found that the peanut butter has been licked totally clean on both traps– but there was no mouse in either trap.  I thought this really strange since it was all I could do to SET the traps without getting my fingers snapped.  I knew I was dealing with an experienced mouse or two.

Second scenario: I reset both traps and even loaded a bit more peanut butter, thinking that would make a catch a sure thing!  I honestly couldn’t believe it when I found both traps licked clean the second time and still no mouse.

Third scenario: I repeated my actions above not to be outdone by one or two sneaky mice!   At last, success!  I had, indeed, caught a mouse.  I grabbed a plastic bag and released the spring so that the mouse would fall into the bag without touching the little varmint.  Just to be sure, I reset the trap so that if any mice lingered, I might have success again.

At this point in the “catching of mice adventure”, I want to make a spiritual analogy of how crafty the Devil is in the lives of people who love the Lord.  Sometimes, we as Christians think we can dabble with sin and still come away unscathed. However, just as the mouse who eventually got caught eating the peanut butter, the person who plays with sin usually will be found out.

Ephesians 4:27 says, “Do not give the Devil a foothold.”  In II Timothy 2:22-26, “Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart…that they will come to their senses and escape the trap of the Devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.”  James 4:7, “Resist the Devil and he will flee from you.”  But we must also remember in I Peter 5:8, 9, “Be self controlled and alert.  Your enemy, the Devil, prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of suffering.”

Now, for alittle levity to share in my mouse-catching skills:  Today, I went to the basement to “check my traps”!  The first trap remained baited with peanut butter still there.  When I approached the second trap, I saw that I indeed had caught a second mouse.  Plastic bag in hand – I reached down to pick up the trap and…the mouse moved!!  I thought “Yikes!  How in the world is this mouse still alive with the spring embedded in his neck?” I decided on a plan – to release him into the bag and then take him outside so he could escape.  After all, I didn’t want to bludgeon the little critter to death.  So, I moved the spring for him to drop into the bag and the little booger jumped out of the bag!  I was yelling “stop, stop” while trying to grab him with the bag but he was too frisky and too fast.  The last I saw of him, he was behind the furnace where I can’t reach.  I reset the trap…and that is the end of my story!


  1. Bob

    I can just see it all happening. Reminds me of some bygone days of my own. And we even had to deal with a resident raccoon in one of our houses. Thanks for the story and the application.

  2. Marla Blackburn

    Pam, thanks for giving me a good laugh. I can picture you yelling Stop, Stop as the little mouse is running away as fast as its little legs will carry him/her.

    • Pam Cruz

      Haha! I know! I’m sure it was comical to observe. I actually am feeling alittle sad. I went downstairs awhile ago and found the mouse just sitting on the floor, dead. He was sort of cute; I told him I was sorry!

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