To My Husband in Heaven

June 5, 2022

Dear Frank,

You died suddenly four years ago today.  “My mind knows you died, yet day after day I wait for you to come back!”  Still, I live each day aspiring to be the widow that would make you proud.

There have been so many changes here in four years!  First, the construction next door is finally being completed along our lot.  There are five newly built and occupied houses along our property now, and this week, they laid sod so the mud is pretty much gone.  Thankfully, they brought the sod clear to our property line and it looks so nice.  They’ve even planted trees that they homeowners wanted and the trees are a nice size.  When I realized earlier that they were moving ahead with the construction whether we liked it or not, I asked God to send friendly neighbors and I praise Him for answering that request!  One couple – in the house directly behind the basketball pole, has been a special blessing.  They are “Ron and Pam” (funny).  I invited them to Worthington Christian Church when we first met and they like it and have continued to go, even when I’ve been too sick.  They like Jay, just as much as we do!

I’ve had lots of good help with the yard, and home maintenance that I can’t handle by myself from some of the guys in small group.  Theo has also been so faithful, along with Brad, when he is away, to keep the yard mowed and looking almost like a golf course!  Theo helps take the yard waste bags to the road for me on trash days in his little golf cart and even weed whacks most weeks; so helpful!  My new neighbor, Ron, offered to “do anything” the first day we met.  Sure enough, Ron helped me clean out and get our little pond up and running for the summer.  In addition, I bought a new basketball backboard (in Coldwater colors of black and orange,) and he put it up.  It looks so much nicer.  I’ve invited the kids next door, as well as Ron and Pam’s grandkids, and a couple of the other neighbors to come and shoot baskets anytime!  It’s great to hear the little ones enjoying the yard!  Ron is also cleaning up the fire pit and we have plans to have a neighborhood bonfire sometime this summer – hotdogs and the works!  Ron and Pam have even invited me to eat a couple of meals with them – in their beautiful new home!

I think all of our many hostas are back and bigger than ever this year.  The yard had great springtime color and looks nice even though I’m still trying to get things edged and trimmed, and the weeds pulled and the rest of the mulch put down! 

Ron and Pam helped with the mulch, too!  You remember it is such a job!  Also, I want to power wash the deck someday soon, but now it’s getting hot and I fade quickly in the heat!  Also, I’ve had many more migraine headaches in the past four years – almost daily, so sometimes, I just don’t have the energy.  I did agree to a Botox treatment about a month ago and I think it might be helping.  It seems like I’ve had a few more good days lately.

I don’t see the kids very often.  They are busy every weekend traveling to some hockey event in another city and state.  Sounds like how you used to do with Tim and Tony.  Landon, though, is really making a name for himself as a great little hockey player, and he’s met several big-name professional hockey players, too.  In one game a couple months ago, he wrote 73 on his hockey stick (your age when you left) and then went on to make at least a couple of goals that game.  When he did, he’d point heavenward, giving God the glory.  Pretty special!  He still misses you.  Well, we all still miss you – every single day!  Alyssa is taking dance lessons and I think is playing softball on a Thursday night girls’ team.  They both are growing up so quickly.  Joe and Tim built a bedroom and bathroom in the basement for Landon that turned out to be lovely!  It gives them a lot more living space, too.   Tim even taught Landon how to put in some electrical boxes.  Do you think we’ll have another electrician in the family someday?

I wish we had gotten Marley before you died.  She is the little 10 pound Maltese/Yorkie rescue I bought 2 years ago, and she has been so much fun and company for me.  She’s white with apricot patches, adorably cute and smart as can be with a dash of stubbornness!  She doesn’t bark unless the door bell rings; she loves Theo the best of all; and she sticks closer than a brother.  You would love her, too!  Speaking of “brother”, Danny and Cheryl have also been a real blessing to me.  They call or text often just to see how I’m doing and if they can do anything for me.  They both have even gone to doctor’s appointments with me on occasion.  So special.

Do you remember the darling little guy, Milton, who we supported with World Vision from Nicaragua?  I have continued sending money each month and he is now a handsome little guy, probably eight or nine years old.  He’s growing up, just like our grandkids!  That cute baby picture that we loved fell between the cabinet and the refrigerator; I need to try and retrieve it someday.

I am especially missing you a lot today, but God is taking care of me in so many ways and I feel blessed. I am eagerly anticipating that day (maybe soon) when we will be reunited in Heaven and then able to spend eternity together, as the Lord has promised. 

Love you, hon,



  1. Marla Blackburn

    Pam, I know that Frank was extremely proud of you while he was here with us on earth and I am sure he still is. You are an amazing woman and have probably surprised yourself by acquiring many new skills that I am sure you never thought you would need. I am always in awe of your desire to take on new challenges — blog and mouse control to name a few — and master them. Prayers that God will bless you with many migraine free days in the future. Love you and Frank so much and dearly miss our weekly visits at Church!

    • Pam Cruz

      Marla – your kind words warm my heart – thank you! You are right, God gives us strength and abilities we don’t even know. Miss you, too! 😘

  2. Jean Williamson

    Pam, you are so fortunate to have good neighbors as I have. They take care of my yard in the summer and keep my sidewalks and drive way clean in the winter. I am so spoiled and thankful to have such good neighbors. I feel God has richly blessed me. I sure do enjoy your posts and receive such spiritual blessings from your messages. Thank you so much.

    • Pam Cruz

      Jean, you are so faithful to read each week-thank you! Yes, good neighbors are a special blessing from God…one the ways He takes care of us! Love you! 😘

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