Trumpet Ready

I recently read what Dolly Parton once said when someone commented that she always looks good with her makeup and hair at its best every day.  She replied, “Yes, I always want to be ‘Ambulance Ready’”!  She went on to explain that she always wants to look good, just in case she is in an accident or there is an emergency of some kind.  It is funny because I have had similar thoughts.  I rarely leave home unless I have my makeup on, my hair combed, and I’m wearing something that looks presentable.  In fact, I’ve changed plans to make a quick run to the grocery store if I feel too tired or sick to clean up a bit.  This may sound excessive-compulsive and/or prideful, but you know what they say – “If you go out looking good, you don’t see anyone you know; but if you go out looking like a slob, it will be a veritable reunion!”  The whole point is to be ready for the unknown when it is possible, and personably, I just want to look the best that I can.

Granted, there are many things for which we cannot plan, and it really doesn’t matter how we look or what we wear.  Our family and friends love us just as we are, and anyone else doesn’t matter.  My dad would say, “I used to worry about what people thought of me, and then I realized they seldom did!”  That is the truth!  Dolly and I need to be more concerned about things that matter, and honestly, I am.

The most important event on my list is something for which I am already prepared; the day that Christ returns to take His children to Heaven. That day is unknown, but Luke 12:40 says, “You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect Him”.  We don’t know the exact date of Christ’s return but there are increased signs that it could be soon.  I Corinthians 15:51 says, “Listen, I tell you a mystery; We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed.  In a flash, in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet.  For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed”.  I love to look at the eastern sky, when the white clouds are full and fluffy and think, ‘Will today the day when Jesus will come?’  I’m ready, and I pray, dear reader, that you have given your life to the Lord; living for Him, and waiting for His return, as well.

I love the lyrics to the song, MIDNIGHT CRY, by Jason Crabb

“I hear the sound of a mighty rushing wind
And it’s closer now than it’s ever been
I can almost hear the trumpet as Gabriel sounds the chord
At the midnight cry we’ll be going home.

I look around me, I see prophecies fulfilling
And the signs of the times, they’re appearing everywhere
I can almost hear my Father, as He say, “Son, go get my children”
Oh yeah, at the midnight cry, the bride of Christ will rise.

When Jesus steps out on a cloud to call His children
The dead in Christ shall rise to meet Him in the air
And then those that remain will be quickly changed
At the midnight cry when Jesus comes again.

And then those that remain will be quickly changed
At the midnight cry, oh yes, at the midnight cry, yes
At the midnight cry when Jesus comes again
Jesus comes again.”


  1. Marla Blackburn

    Pam, you must have a bug in my car. Roscoe and I were just talking about the end times on our way home from Church yesterday. I too look forward to that day but, selfishly, I sure would love to have many more years here on earth to watch our grandchildren grow and hopefully one day give accept Jesus into their heart.

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