You Can’t Take My Sonshine

When my husband and I moved to the home where I am now living alone, we felt like we had moved to the country, even though shopping was close by.  Our ranch house, including a barn, was built in 1988 and is situated on two acres of land.  On the entire adjacent south side of our property is an open field that I’m guessing it is about 100 acres.  We loved the property and not being right smack next door to our neighbors.  In the spring, a nearby farmer came and planted the field in corn or beans.  

We soon discovered that we had moved to a “wild turkey run” and frequently a whole flock of wild turkeys would scurry into our yard and then into the field.  Years ago we could count up to 50 turkeys at a time.  They would swish in and then swish out – running up to 65 mph; so much fun to see!  Sometimes, they would run to our bird feeder and see what was left on the ground.  At one time, a hunter stopped by and asked if he could hunt in our back yard.  We did not give him permission because we so enjoyed watching the turkeys through the spring and summer.  The toms would spread their tail feathers during courting season, trying to woo the hens.  Later in the year, we learned that the new babies were called “poults”.

We also frequently observed deer in the yard.  They liked to check out under the bird feeder, too, and usually would just trot through, into the field where they would feed on the beans.  Several times through the years, we’ve enjoyed seeing newborn fawns – even twins.  Now, I must admit, I have learned that the deer, too, LOVE hostas, hydrangeas, and most any other flower that I plant, but still, we enjoyed seeing them so close.

And, the birds that come into the yard!  With the tall, mature trees in the field and a park nearby we have seen a wonderful variety of beautiful birds through the years.  We placed a birdfeeder outside the dining room window, close enough to observe and take pictures of cardinals, blue jays, bluebirds, chickadees, several varieties of woodpeckers including the big guy, a pileated woodpecker; he’s huge!  We’ve also seen Baltimore orioles, nuthatches, yellow shafted flickers, grosbeaks, sweet little wrens and even hummingbirds!  They are all God’s special gift!

I have now lived in this house for 10 years.  We knew when we bought the house that the field next door might “someday” be developed into a housing project.  That day has indeed come!!  How I wish we could have afforded to buy at least part of the field!  The first thing that has happened is that there has been much moving of dirt.  When the dump trucks started hauling dirt into the field, we found out that the dirt was coming from at least 26 miles away.  We knew this because our grandkids would find golf balls stamped with the name of a recreational golf course we knew.  Over the course of several months, the developer built up the grade of the field by about 10 feet – a puzzlement to us.

Now, we still don’t understand that upgrade.  So far, there are about 20 new, very expensive houses that have been built in this new housing development.  Immediately, adjacent to the yard, there are now six new houses – all built high up on top of the new grade of dirt – looking down on my property.  I feel like I am now in a fish bowl, clearly seen by my new neighbors.  It has changed the whole appearance of the property!  Recently, a friend said to me “Oh, I hate that they built those houses on the south side of your property.  They will block all your sunshine”.  I hadn’t thought about that element.  But she is right.  Just from the six new houses, I see that the warm afternoon sun does not now reach into my yard!

So in the past several months, I have experienced many changes in my life.  I do not understand some, and I don’t like others but still they have happened.  My husband died of a sudden heart attack three and a half years ago.  I have remained in this house alone but the yard and upkeep (inside and out) are becoming more and more difficult.  The field, that we so enjoyed, is now a housing project of about 95 homes.  The large group of turkeys is dying out or perhaps, they have moved on.  Now rarely, only about 6 turkeys will come into the yard, eat under the birdfeeder and maybe sit on the deck railing for a while – nothing like before.  I seldom see deer now – the field is gone and so is their natural protection and food source.  The large trees that attract beautiful birds have all been chopped down and hauled away! And now, for crying out loud – my sunshine is limited!

But through these several losses, I have not lost my faith in God.  He has walked with me, along with dear family and friends, keeping me grounded and encouraged each day.  I still feel very blessed and I look forward to the day Christ will return for His children.  On that day, we will all stand before God’s judgment seat.  It is written: ‘As surely as I live’, says the Lord,every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.’  So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God”.  Romans 14:11, 12.

Lord, even through the many changes in our lives, we want our days to reflect the joy and peace and happiness we find in You.  Help us love each other even as we love You.  Allow us show others faithful living, as we live lives that give You honor and praise each day.  Let us resolve that no one will take our “Son-shine” away.


  1. Jean Williamson

    Enjoyed your article. Being raised on a farm, I can relate to your space and all God’s creatures that roam the land. It is sad when they have to move on and you lose the quality of their life. That God we still have our faith and enjoy the blessings we receive.

  2. Marla Blackburn

    Pam, having recently moved from a highly congested area to a much quieter area many miles away, I can relate to what you have lost in the sense of privacy and wildlife. Just this morning while driving down a very dark and cold back road to the main highway, I too prayed that the Lord would fill me with joy and love for others — the type of unconditional love displayed by Jesus.

    Thank you for sharing!

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